is 577 Black Powder & nitro Express or "other" really just USA 24 gauge resized but NOT EU 24 gauge?

1 year ago

all of this may need deep boring vs re-shiming & or fire forming for chamber lengths that were not a match between "gun", rifle & shot shell ,, mostly?

"577" Black Powder Express diameters (187? )=
.584" 14.8 mm Bullet
.608" 15.4 mm Neck
.660" 16.8 mm Base
.728" 18.5 mm Rim
Case length up to 3 in (76 mm) .61 - .66 chamber

577 Nitro Express diameters (189? )=
.585 in (14.9 mm) Bullet
.610 in (15.5 mm) Neck
.660 in (16.8 mm) Base
.748 in (19.0 mm) Rim (safety lockout! ) .61 - .66 chamber

EU & CIP mm diameters as of 2020
gauge&cal mm neck base rim
24, 58, 14.7 16.45 16.75 18.45
24 gauge is a bore match BUT requires reaming out ~ .55mm & .65 - .69 chamber* = 24 gauge

USA CHAMBER diameters as of 2007 based on 2001 legacy saami specs from 19?0's?
Gauge Bore Neck Base Rim
24 0.579 0.649 0.661 0.728
= 24 gauge is; under bore , a loose neck, near base fit USA/ OLD! saami preserved by dave cushman = my page on shells

no pipe or tube matched bore well enough
.612" = 3/4" pipe (SCH160 ) might "chamber" if reamed

= most citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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