The Church Part 4 - Church Government and Grace

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The Church Part 4 - Church Government and Grace


Chapter 47: CHurch Government
A. Church Officers
A church officer is someone who has been publicly recognized as having the right and responsibility to perform certain functions for the benefit of the whole church.
1. Apostle
a. Qualifications of an Apostle.
b. Who Were Apostles?
c. Summary
2. Elder (Pastor/Overseer/Bishop)
a. Plural Elders: The Pattern in All New Testament Churches
b. Other Names for Elders: Pastors, Overseers, Bishops
c. The Function of Elders
d. Qualifications for Elders.
e. What Is the Meaning of "Husband of One Wife"?
f. The Public Installation of Elders
3. Deacon
4. Other Offices?
B. How Should Church Officers Be Chosen?
C. Forms of Church Government.
1. Episcopalian
2. Presbyterian
3. Congregational
a. Single Elder (or Single Pastor)
b. Plural Local Elderss
c. Corporate Board
d. Pure Democracy
4. Conclusions
D. Should Women be Church Officers?
1. 1 Timothy 2:11-14
2. 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36
3. 1 Timothy
4. The Relationship Between the Family and the Church
5. The Example of the Apostles
6. The History of Male Teaching and Leadership Through the Whole Bible
7. The History of the Church
8. Objections
9. What About Other Offices Within the Church?

Chapter 48: Means of Grace Within the Church
The means of grace are any activities within the fellowship of the church that God uses to give more grace to Christians.
A. How Many Means of Grace Are Available to Us?
B. Disussion of Specific Means
1. Teacing the Word
2. Baptism
3. The Lord's Supper
4. Prayer for one another
5. Worship
6. Church discipline
7. Giving
8. Spiritual gifts
9. Fellowship
10. Evangelism
11. Personal ministry to individuals
12. Should Footwashing Be Practiced As a Means of Grace Within the Church?
C. Conclusions

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