Wars/Pandora Papers//Middle East/Secret Finances/Media Cover-ups/Human Carnage in 20 min SSN Thunder

1 year ago

THIS IS ED's LAST VIDEO HE POSTED. He passed on 9th of November, 2023. See Obituary here:

Please like and share and a special thanks to Frontline and Monkey Wrex you can find his videos on YouTube be sure to give him a like.

The Middle East Attack Connections!
Pay Attention closely to the Dates
If you think these governments care about human lives lost on either side of the issue: Think Again!
Wars are fought why?
Why did the investigative reporting go silent after October of 2019 on the Pandora Papers?
Palestinians, King of Jordan, Putin, Obama, The Biden Administration
Drug Cartels, and the Southern Border

donations for Ed greatly appreciated: https://paypal.me/LenaRebelSouls

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