"333" - Chris Miller (Original Song)

1 year ago

This song was written while fishing on the F/V U.S. Enterprise, a factory trawler that caught Pollock in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska and produced Surimi at sea. It was the first vessel of it's kind to do this type of product at sea. I wrote it in 1991. 333 was a guage of very heavy braided twine that we used aboard to mend the massive fishing nets.

Words & Music by:
Christopher A. Miller (c) 1991

His name was Dominic Lyons
He fishes the Bering Sea
And when he sews net
One could shorely bet
He'd sew it with 333

Oh! What a wonderful string
He tied it to everything

In those days it was known through the land... Ireland!
That you pulled up your nets by hand... Bare Handed!
And if you pulled it up wrong
You couldn't fly your Swan
But you could fix her with 333

Oh! What a wonderful string
He tied it to everything

Trí triocha a trí (Gaelic for 333)

Keywords: commercial fishing fishermen fisherman fish crab herring halibut cod haddock hake Japan sea ocean cold Kodiak Dutch Harbor Deadliest Catch king crab Dungeness salmon squid tuna Hawaii Newport Westport Oregon California Washington shrimp bottomfish sablefish blackcod sardines processor processing deckhand captain boat ship plant pirate shanty shantie sea shanties

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