(17)The Great Deception

1 year ago

Chapter 17: The Great Deception

The atheists and naturalists operate from a deficient worldview, so they use their religious philosophy to fill the gaps of their ignorance; deception is used to misrepresent their religious philosophy as science. Many of the atheists and naturalists are so deceived themselves that they cannot distinguish where the actual science ends and their religious philosophy begins.

The atheists and naturalists once thought that the universe was deterministic; they thought that all the processes in the universe could be calculated from the initial conditions once they discovered the “Grand Unified Theory”, a complete set of laws of physics. They used to think that the electrons went around the nucleus of atoms in trajectories similar to the orbits of the planets around the sun. However, quantum physics proved that to be wrong. The electrons do not move in definite trajectories; the probability densities of the electrons are sometimes even disjointed (the electron would have had to jump from one location to the other without passing in-between). Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle showed that the universe is not deterministic; it is impossible to calculate the exact location and exact momentum of particles simultaneously. For certain quantum processes, the events are correlated and the likelihood of an event can be represented using probabilities, but each individual event is unpredictable.

The atheists and naturalists then developed the religious philosophy of “parallel universes” in order to deny the existence of a “Creator”, to deny the influence of the supernatural on the natural world, and to deny “free-will” (and their responsibility to choose between good and evil).

If there were an infinite number of parallel universes (none of which have an eternal intelligent being), then (no matter how impossible it is for the first living cell to be assembled from organic molecules) it could have happened in one of the infinite number of parallel universes; no matter how impossible it is for complex intelligent life to “evolve” in the time constraints of the Earth and the time constraints of the visible Universe, it could have happened in one of the infinite number of parallel universes. The way to justify all religious principles of atheism and naturalism seems to be to just sweep all the problems under the rug using infinity!

The universe is not deterministic; the events are correlated to have certain probabilities of occurring, but there are “choices” for which event will actually occur. If there were an infinite number of parallel universes, then there could be one parallel universe for each possible “choice”. Therefore the atheists and agnostics deny that the supernatural is making choices in the universe, but rather they imagine that the parallel universes make all the choices. In this way the atheist and agnostic can deceive themselves into thinking they have no “free-will” (they have no responsibility for their choices, because in another parallel universe their counterpart made a different choice). In this way the atheists and agnostics are deceived into thinking that it doesn’t matter if they choose good or evil, truth or deception.

Now the atheists and naturalists must assert that if there are an infinite number of parallel universes, we must be the first generation of an intelligent being to have arisen. If in this infinite set of parallel universes, another intelligent being arose before us, “evolved” till it reached the point of singularity, became an eternal unchanging Creator, and created other intelligent temporal beings, then the atheists would still have to face an intelligent eternal Creator who will judge their choices.

The Creator has good things planned for His creation according to His will; however, The Creator’s plan is not to overthrow Himself or allow evil to overthrow good. Part of the Creator’s good plan was to create other beings capable of love; however love requires “free-will”; out of pride the Enemy choose to rebel, he attempted to overthrow the Creator, and become his own supreme sovereign (and he failed). The Creator is now using the Enemy to test humanity; the Creator will keep those who love Him and will reject those who rebel against Him.

The temporal terrorists do not believe we are the first generation of intelligent beings. The temporal terrorists are in rebellion against the intelligent eternal Creator (because they want to reach the point of singularity and become their own supreme sovereigns). The Enemy fell because out of pride he wanted to rebel against the Creator and become his own supreme sovereign apart from the will of the Creator. The Creator is giving them ample time for as many of them to repent freely; however eventually judgment will come to those who have not repented. The Creator has already prevented the evil temporal terrorists from reaching the point of singularity, the Creator has ensured that they will be destroyed beforehand, and the Creator will make an example of them (so that no one will ever attempt to rebel again) by torturing them in hell for all eternity. The penalty for treason against a mortal government is mortal death; the penalty for treason against an eternal government is eternal death.

The atheists and naturalists have been deceived by a three phase process developed by the temporal terrorists. The first phase is the phase of ignorance explained by abiogenesis and macroscopic evolution. The second phase is disclosure explained by interstellar alien civilizations. The third phase is delusion marked by a matrix denial of reality.

(Phase 1) Ignorance: Abiogenesis and Macroscopic Evolution

The first phase “abiogenesis and macroscopic evolution” denies that living cells were systematically created by an intelligent Creator. The scientific principle of biogenesis is censored by being deemed trivial and ignored; the complexity of living cells is ignored; the fact that a living cell cannot be assembled from organic molecules is ignored; it requires an already living cell to create another living cell. The question “where did the first living cell come from?” is discounted as being trivial; the religious principle of abiogenesis is taught in all the schools to indoctrinate the public about this false foundation of life (so that the people will believe in abiogenesis and Macroscopic Evolution). It is then speculated that other planets around other stars might have developed life from organic molecules through abiogenesis and Macroscopic Evolution.

(Phase 2) Disclosure: Interstellar Alien Civilizations

The second phase known as “disclosure” fabricates interstellar alien civilizations to explain the existence of fallen angels and demons. Technology had to first progress to the point that the temporal terrorists can genetically engineer and home-grow bodies for the demons to inhabit. The governments then claim that the home-grown demon-inhabited bodies are “friendly” aliens that have arrived from a distant star. Aircraft/spacecraft/hologram technology is used to justify the interstellar narrative. The existing governments must all be abolished and put under the authority of a one-world government; the “new world order” must be established to save the earth.

What do we need to save the earth from? The false narrative will go something like the following: We are destroying our planet through climate change. Earth is a forgotten planet that was the remnant of an interstellar war; life on earth was seeded by an ancient alien civilization, which explains why it is impossible for life to develop on earth in the time restraints it had. An “enemy” planet-conquering alien civilization is on the way to destroy earth. A large object has been propelled toward Earth that will collide with it and destroy life as we know it. The demons in the home-grown bodies are “friendly” aliens that traveled here to help the humans defend themselves and save the earth.

(Phase 3) Delusion: Matrix Denial of Reality

The third phase known as “delusion” fabricates a false Matrix virtual reality that humanity must escape from or escape into. Once the “new world order” has complete authority over all the government of the world, the next phase is to destroy what is left of humanity by gaining complete control over the minds of all the remnant of humanity still on the earth. The temporal terrorists believe that we are trapped in a Matrix virtual reality world that the Creator constructed as a prison; they will falsely claim they have a way to become immortal or “escape” the prison and go into the “real” world. The remnant of humanity will be given the choice to be beheaded or to take the “Mark of the Beast” in their right hand or in their forehead. Those who choose to be beheaded will go to heaven; those who take the “Mark of the Beast” have forfeited their soul to hell for all eternity, but first they will suffer the wrath of the Creator.

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