MR. NON-PC - The CovidCult And Bidenomics: Like A Horse And Carriage

1 year ago

Mannnn ohhhh mannnn...the price of EVERYTHING is sky high nowadays hahaha!!

And the funniest and most ironic part of all of this is how both TRUMP and BIDEN both contributed to this gigantic economic downturn with both of their actions!!!

The majority must realize that the CovidCult and Bidenomics both led us to this pitiful point in human history!!

Like a horse and carriage they both worked hand and hand to DESTROY the entire economy as well as society!

And what can we do to escape this rathole of poor leadership, fiscal irresponsibilty, debt culture and idiocy?? Pretty the opposite of what the lame majority is doing!

Start owning your vehicle and home outright, get back to the land and start homesteading, keep your $$$ liquid and pay off debts.

More importantly, forget about the uniparty and live your life away from the insanity!!

Also too....remind others that both the "right" and "left" got us in this mess!

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