If we don’t take down the CCP, any place on earth could become the target of the CCP’s next war

1 year ago

10/9/2023 【Aila on Wayne Dupree Podcast】Aila Wang: The Whistleblowers' Movement has chapters in over 20 countries across the globe. Many of our fellow fighters and supporters have been watching Mr. Miles Guo's broadcasts and contacting their local legislators to raise awareness about the CCP's threats. If we don’t take down the CCP, any place on earth could become the target of the CCP’s next war!
#Whistleblowers’Movement #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/9/2023 【小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Podcast节目】小飞象:爆料革命在全球20多个国家设有分支,许多我们的战友和支持者们一直收看郭文贵先生的直播,并与当地立法者保持联系,让民众认识到中共的威胁。如果我们不消灭中共,地球上任何一个地方都可能成为下一个中共发动战争的目标!
#爆料革命#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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