1 year ago

I am a prophetess of the Lord and release words from the Lord, only truth is spoken, guided and directed by the Holy Spirit, I dive deep into the word, the Lord speaks about not only His love for His people but also of judgement and mercy, the nation's rage but God is always in charge, God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours and we must TRUST what He is doing, there will be deaths among ones in high places in government that are going to drop like flies, like the lord of flies. the Lord will not be mocked, the Assyrian king spirit will be destroyed and his yoke broken by God off of His people, the Lord will restore ALL including our food and agricultural supplies, He will destroy the medications that are poisoning people, He will restructure the medical industry, pestilence, evil agenda's, vaccines, repentance, glory saturating the earth, weighty glory, blessings, wealth transfer for God's kingdom, gracious Heavenly Father, Messiah is the only way to heaven, Prayer and fasting,the time is now, Jesus turns table in temples, understanding YouTube algorithms, psalms 91, bible knowledge, teaching the word, prophets, prophet of the lord, it is time, darkness is coming, no phones, no internet, no communications, be prepared, no fear, whirlwinds, restoration, spending time with god, seeking the lord, demons, liberty bell, creator of all, Jehovah, armor, of, God, so, that, when, the, day, of, evil, comes, you, may, be, able, to, stand, your, ground, and, after, you, have, done, everything, to, stand, Stand, firm, buckled, around, your, waist, with, the, breastplate, of, righteousness, in, place, and, with, your, feet, fitted, with, the, readiness, that, comes, from, the, gospel, of, peace, In, addition, to, all, this, take, up, the, shield, of, faith,
Jean Hosking, california earthquake, psalms 91, judgement, vengeance, righteous people, Repentance and forgiveness
Binding and casting out of demons,Breaking the power of the enemy
Speaking the truth in love
Spiritual fortification
Renewing the mind
Engaging in spiritual disciplines
Praise and worship
Praying in tongues
Confession of faith
Listening to God's voice
Living a holy life
Filling the spiritual voids
Praying for others
Resisting the devil
Receiving the Word of God
Praying for spiritual discernment
Resisting temptation
Walking in the Spirit
Overcoming fear and anxiety
Spiritual vigilance, God's love, God's empathy, God's salvation, rescue from tyranny, God's sovereign hand, God's redemption, God's is Almighty, Alpha and Omega, Jehovah Jireh, Jeshua, creator of all things in the heaven and earth, God's kingdom reigning, perfect plan, Glory saturating the earth.
Overcoming evil spirits
Spiritual cleansing
Breaking soul ties
Binding and casting out of unclean spirits
Repentance and forgiveness
Binding and casting out of demons
Breaking the power of the enemy
Speaking the truth in love
Spiritual fortification
Renewing the mind
Engaging in spiritual disciplines
Praise and worship
Praying in tongues
Confession of faith
Listening to God's voice
Living a holy life
Filling the spiritual voids
Praying for others
Resisting the devil
Receiving the Word of God
Praying for spiritual discernment
Resisting temptation
Walking in the Spirit
Overcoming fear and anxiety
Spiritual vigilance
Overcoming temptation
Breaking occultic spells and curses
Warfare against addiction
Spiritual discernment of false teachings
Persevering in prayer
Binding and casting out of fear
Spiritual alignment
Building spiritual momentum
Warfare against doubt
Spiritual strengthening
Breaking generational curses
Deliverance from demonic oppression
Overcoming worldly influence
Spiritual breakthrough
Walking in obedience
Spiritual preparation
Cutting soul ties
Declaring God's promises
The authority of the believer
The power of prayer
Overcoming spiritual apathy
Identifying and renouncing sin
The power of the Word of God
Building up faith,
Wrath that shakes the earth,
Thundering rage,
Unleashed wrath,
Burning anger,
Divine retaliation,
Wrathful fury,
Justifiable vengeance,
Anguish and torment,
God's wrathful gaze,
Retributive anger,
Severe judgment,
Consuming anger,
Divine anger unleashed,
Divine vengeance,
Mighty hand of judgment,

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