I present to you the truth about where your rights come from. You think you know, but you don't.

1 year ago

Straight up I don't give a fuck what lies you want to tell me about how you understand the philosophical foundations of creator endowed rights. Every republican I have ever met folds like a wet paper bag when confronted with the real life implications of forfeiting your own rights. You all pay endless taxes that violate the principles of legal taxation every day of your life.. So all you Trump voting retard fuck republicans that tell me horse shit about how you understand your creator endowed rights, go fuck yourselves. None of you know a fucking thing in the world. You're just as dumb as the retard democrats you mock regularly. So all you on both sides of the political spectrum can eat a huge steaming pile of my shit. All of you are a venn diagram of ignorance. It's not 3 circles. It's just one giant circle that says "we're clowns and babies and slaves who know nothing". There isn't a penny worth of difference between any voter anywhere on planet earth. You're all slaves. And you always will be until you learn this deep into your soul.

The declaration of independence for America clearly and plainly states that our rights come from our creator and that this creation is a self evident truth. Which is a truth so obvious that it needn't be spoken of. It's simply an agreement of fundamental truth. We live in a secularized world where almost all of us believe in secular fantasies leading to the formation of life. All of the greatest minds of history operated from a standpoint of creation being a self evident truth. Up until about the 1960's nearly every person on planet earth knew and operate from an intellectual positition of creation being a self evident truth. It's extremely difficult to make any kind of scientific breakthrough in any form without the operational principle of creation guiding all of it. It can be done, and has been done, but the vast majority of scientific breakthrough in human history have come from people who knew this truth.

Until you understand the philosophical reality behind the truth of creation you will be in poverty to a government of man, by man, and against man. As long as YOU bow down to the lies taught to us in public school that government is the source of our rights you will remain in poverty. It simply isn't possible to not escape poverty (don't tell me about how you're rich if you are. You won't be for long so just wait pal) without recognition of the truth that our rights come from our creator and not our government. As long as you believe rights come from government this means that the right to produce currency is handled by government which opens every single one of us to currency creation fraud. And that has been done. It's been in place for over 100 year now. As a whole our society ceded the right to money over to a state run monopoly reliant upon nothing more than entry into a debt ledger on a computer. That is all debt is. It is not a real thing. and yet you have all leveraged the entirety of your fortunes over to a state without even knowing you have done so. We are now at the end cycle of money creation and it will all implode upon all of us very soon. You were all worried about obtaining all your consumer toys in the form of consumer products and you failed to recognize the entire system around you is built to keep all of us in poverty. This because you were never taught where your rights come from.

so listen here and learn the real truth you were never taught in school. I have never in my life met another living person who can even spend 2 minutes of their time speaking on the subject of creator endowed rights. This is because they do not have the educational background to speak on the topic. So like a good consumer minded slave who thinks their rights come from government you hurl insults galore at me in the form of "get mental help you nutjob windbag loser poor person". I hear that every single of my life (I'm not joking you). I get told to seek mental help for knowing some of the most basic facts imaginable that are clearly spelled out in under 150 words in documents pertaining to the founding of your nation that you have never read. I can sit here and read to you endless hours of information proving that the philosophy behind creator endowed rights is the only philosophy that mankind can ever follow to obtain an escape from povertty. But all of you need the basics so we're gonna start here for you and lay the foundations for what you need to know. So enjoy cowards and cowardettes.

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