Feta Cheese Salad with 6 ingredients / Quick Greek Salad Recipe

11 months ago



Green Olives - 1 Medium Bowl
Feta Cheese – 1 Medium Bowl
Roasted Red Bell Pepper – 1 Medium Bowl
Crushed Walnuts – ½ Cup
Garlic Chilli Sauce – 1 tbsp
Olive Oil – 3 tbsp

Preparation Method:-

Step 1-Roasting of Red Bell Pepper

Take 1 Red Bell Pepper, cut it into 4 half , brush with little Oil and Roast it with 180 C for 10 min in oven till the skin gets soften and removable , Peel off the skin and chop it into cubes .

Step 2- Preparation of Salad

Take big bowl , add 1 Medium Bowl full of Green Olives , 1 Medium Bowl of Feta Cheese , 1 Medium Bowl of Roasted Red Bell Pepper , ½ Cup of Crushed Walnuts , 1 tbl sp of Garlic Chilli Sauce and 3 tbsp of Olive Oil , Mix all well , it’s done , you can take one spoon full of feta cheese Salad on roasted Crunchy Bready Slice and eat it , have it at the time of breakfast .


Serve it with Toasted Crunchy Bread Slice

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