Network of Awareness presents: Gender The Mind Bender

1 year ago

In this installment of The Transanity Series ORRA is join by special guest from TheBOCC Chaakamgabaar to discuss the ever growing horrid social experiment known as Transgenderism. Transgenderism is being pushed onto children through the media, education systems, tv, Hollywood and many other institutions in an attempt to pervert the minds of the youth. The media is one of the most powerful tools in pushing this agenda, as it can easily influence young people to think and feel a certain way. For example, many shows and movies feature transgender characters and storylines, which can normalize the idea of transitioning. Additionally, some schools have implemented gender-neutral bathrooms, which can make it easier for transgender students to feel comfortable. Additionally, many institutions are pushing the idea of gender fluidity, which is the idea that gender is not fixed and can change over time. This can lead children to believe that they can choose their own gender, which is not true.
Furthermore, the education system is also pushing transgenderism onto children. Many schools are offering gender-inclusive curriculums, which can lead children to believe that gender is a choice and that they can choose their own gender identity. Additionally, some schools are offering gender-neutral bathrooms and changing rooms, which can make it easier for transgender students to feel comfortable. Additionally, some schools are offering gender-inclusive sports teams, which can make it easier for transgender students to participate in sports. All of these things can lead children to believe that gender is not fixed and that they can choose their own gender identity, which is not true.
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“Don't look for the light at the end of the tunnel, because the light is within you. Light up the tunnel and find your way thru the darkness .” - ORRA

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