Dr Amandha Vollmer ft Sascha Kalivoda: Does Contagion (Viruses) Really Exist?

11 months ago

Amandha Vollmer is back, and this time she is going to demystify the topic of contagion.
Is there an invisible 'viral' bogeyman out there waiting to get us and then cause us to spread it to other members of our families and loved ones?

Are we really that weak and susceptible as a species?

Or is this a story created many generations ago that has served to instill fear and thus allow for control over the people?

It may sound a little crazy, but for those who have eyes to see, what we are being sold over the airwaves is not exactly factual, nor is it backed by actual scientific rigour.

If one has the intelligence to spot patterns, it's not hard to see that there are repetitive tactics being used which kinda go like this...

1) invisible enemy is declared
2) create fear and population responds as expected
3) provide the solution that is going to save us all

If you look back and analyze some major events in the past, you may recognize this patterning... but then, maybe you won't.

For an intro as to who Amandha Vollmer is, please refer to episode #11, #30 and #47.

And be sure to listen to those episodes in their entirety... so many gems of wisdom throughout and also practical information.

Amandha Vollmer - Supporting Detox in Today’s Increasingly Toxic World - SCP #47 - September 12, 2022:

Amandha Vollmer - The Wonders of Urine Therapy - SCP #30 - September 22, 2021:

Amandha Vollmer - Germ Theory, Dental Health & DMSO - SCP #11 - December 9, 2020:

What are we going to learn today...

- How Amandha's suspicions of how disease is diagnosed led her down the path of investigating how we actually get sick

- The natural path of enquiry as to how health is attained is not being followed

- Why the answers to our health must start with each of us

- How there continue to be 'camps' of capture preventing even those suspicious of western medicine to truly understand the origins of disease

- When suppression is useful and helpful via pharma solutions

- Common symptoms we are seeing in the masses today as a result of recent new medicines

- When thinking about the body, we should think about our internal environment, not about an invisible pathogen waiting to come in to attack us... why are our tissues not functioning as they should be?

- The role of our terrain in our state of health

- The idea the germ is the disease result NOT the cause of disease

- How disease processes are actually the body trying to regain homeostasis

- How microbes are an essential part of who we are

- How 'somatids' change their size and shape as the body works to return to health when out of balance

- How this pleomorphic cycle is dormant when we are in a healthy state

- If we were to check if the somatid cycle was active in a person we could predict ahead of time (up to years) whether someone was on the path to sickness

- How many other micro bodies change shape (and therefore function) like white blood cells, bacteria (can change into spore form, 'viral' form and more)

- How these microbes are coming in to repair the terrain not to harm and the state of the terrain dictates what will show up

- How parasites are always present for a reason, they do not thrive in healthy bodies that don't need them

- How these so-called pathogens are the 'digesters' of life

- Why we don't want to simply kill parasites in our bodies and why that is only one step of the process

- Why it is important to do a cleanse once a year and then a smaller cleanse 6 months later

- Ideas for cleansing

- The fact that there is no actual contagion as we have been sold

- How families may resonate together to go on yearly 'detoxes' together

- Other possible explanations as to how we get sick

- The fraud of the PCR 'test'

- What chicken pox really is

- How being injected for chicken pox as a child can result in a dangerous episode of it later in life (Amandha's story)

- How you can personally learn through Amandha's offerings"

The End of COVID:

Sascha Kalivoda:

Amandha Vollmer:

June 13, 2023

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