Lucky Girl Gets Surprised With Two Kittens For Her Birthday

7 years ago

It's Allie's seventh birthday and she got a bunch of gifts to celebrate. She had a cat theme for her party, because she absolutely loves cats! So far, she has gotten a cat head pillow and some really awesome stuff for school. But just when Allie thought she got all of her presents, they tell her that she forgot a few.

The first looks like a wand, but with feathers on top. It’s no problem, the feathers are hot pink, which is a color Allie likes. The second one is a very cool pink laser with extra lenses for some really cool effects and Allie loves it. Then she opens a present to find something that doesn’t look like something a girl would want, but a cat. “What is that, cat food?” she asks with clear confusion on her face. But she is forgetting one more present, which looks like stuffed mice, but that is another thing a kitten would want.

If you think this is where they cut the cake, you are wrong, because from behind the corner comes Allie’s mom with a pure white kitten, the real surprise! And that’s not all, because they brought the kitten’s sister too, so they don’t have to be alone! Oh, the joy!

Allie might be in awe with her gifts, but she kept it cool. This girl, however, broke down in sobs when her mom brought her a black kitten as a gift. She even had to ask if she gets to keep it!

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