What's Eating Our Children and What's Black Adrenochrome and Walnut Sauce?

1 year ago

Monai Gregg Stephens joins Ari Kopel in this eye-opening interview about a terrible evil that is lurking in our society and how our children are in incredible danger. Monai states that Black and Asian children are most vulnerable and she goes in depth about why this is happening.
This is a very disturbing subject matter and isn't for the faint of heart, but it's one that must be addressed if we're going to stop this!
Monai's website: https://www.divinealliancellc.com/

We're in a Matrix. This Matrix has been engineered by dark forces that feed us disinformation to keep us in the dark so that they can use us as "energetic food". How do they do this? Why have we fallen for this? How do we shatter this matrix?

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Ari is the author of the International Bestselling book "Spiritual Warfare and the Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality" and "Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection & Empowerment".

Ari Kopel's Books on Amazon:
"Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality": https://rb.gy/w9wj1
"Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection, and Empowerment":

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