🎬 💲 Documentary: "All Wars Are Bankers Wars" Explores a Common Central Banking Connection Behind America's Wars

1 year ago

❗ October 2023: "This might be one of the most important documentaries that anyone can watch right now given current events and escalations between Hamas, Israel, Iran, and the US".
Michael Rivero lays out the history of the Rothschild owned Federal Reserve and the Bank for International Settlements which manipulates world events and Wars in order to feed their lust for money & power. Until we toss off these money junkies the world will continue to collapse under the weight of these banksters wars and debt slavery until we destroy humanity while they sit back and watch. All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars analyzes the history of central banks’ involvement in U.S. wars dating back to the American Revolution and how we can stop the emergence of World War III, which is now at our doorstep thanks to the reckless foreign policy of Joe Biden, the expansionist ambitions of NATO, and the greed of the Military-Industrial Complex.
👉 All Wars are Bankers Wars PDF: https://judaism.is/assets/allwarsarebankerswars.pdf
👉 Article: https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/07/all-wars-are-bankers-wars
👉 2017 Article: https://themillenniumreport.com/2017/11/all-wars-are-bankers-wars-a-history-of-the-rothschilds
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