Spirits Among Us (2008) | Full Horror Movie Commentary - Christian Ghostbusters | STAGE ZERO

1 year ago

The DVD box lied, the movie is not 90 minutes, it is 60 minutes.

You can watch the full movie on the director's YouTube channel here (please be polite): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUWqlQpWXNY

From what I can tell, this is the only other film by the director, a short film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Scwn6Ak7rN8

The other writer, Vanderkaay has done various things such as Mascot TV: https://web.archive.org/web/20210304003307/http://mascottv.net/about.htm
This is currently no longer an active website as it went down in 2020, but the YouTube channel still exists: https://www.youtube.com/@mascottv9913/videos
Vander Kaay (I have no idea if the space is correct or not, and at this point, I don't think he does either) also wrote for Bloody Discussing: https://bloody-disgusting.com/author/chris-vander-kaay/
Also, he and written books, mostly non-fiction about sci-fi and horror, but also a novel, which is more than I can say. He also did a horror fan documentary in 2018: https://bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3483314/new-horror-fan-documentary-fear-man-released-free-amazon-prime/ which you can watch on his YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htYGxu4mLhQ

Vander Kay also has a website about indie filmmaking, so that could be an interesting watch: https://www.viewmonster.com/MasterClass/

So all in all, Chris Vander Kaay seems to be a horror and sci-fi fan who wrote some books and did some articles on movies who has a normal job and very early helped on a director's Christian horror movie with a microbudget in the early later 2000s. While Ray Jenkins did make a video about how the moon cools things and talked about how demons are real to him, he mostly just does interviews with locals and messes around with film equipment.

All of this to say that I have spent more time watching this movie and looking into the people involved in this movie than anyone else in nearly 2 decades. The movie (well, more like a hour long episode of a ghost hunting show) goes into weird details about how things are done, which seems to pad out the run time, all for the point of teaching the audience how to get rid of a ghost demon using 2000s era special effects to do a spook on you and your home. So remember to leave weird paper and books behind whenever you move out of a place to scare the new inhabitants after they move in I guess.

Oh, and DGQMovies is apparently no longer in existence. There is a an archive of the website from 2013 though: https://web.archive.org/web/20130526063414/http://www.dgwmovies.com/

There is also a Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/dgw/videos/sort:date

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