Commentary | Virtues | Surah Al-lail | سورہ اَلَّیْل کی تفسیر اور فضائل | @islamichistory813

1 year ago

@islamichistory813 #recitation #tilawat #surah #tafseer #commentary #virtues #surahallail

Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will talk about..Commentary on Surah Al-Ail

Oath of the night when it covers the world. He said: Oath of the night when it covers the world with its darkness. Allah swt said by the night because it is the time of peace for all creatures and every living being comes to its abode in the night and in it the creatures are calm from movement and indecisiveness and sleep falls on them which Allah Almighty has given them. He has made comfort for their bodies and sustenance for their souls, and at this time the popular servants of Allah Ta'ala engage in prayers with true need.

He said: And by the day when it shines and dispels the darkness of the night. Allah swore by the day because it is the time for the darkness of the night to disappear, for the sleepers to wake up, for the living beings to move and to engage in the search for sustenance.
Night and day are the blessings of Allah and the signs of His power:

It should be remembered that night and day are great blessings of Allah and great signs of His power, so Allah Almighty says at one place.

It is He who made the night for you so that you may rest in it, and made the day to open your eyes; surely in it are signs for those who hear.

And We created two signs, the night and the day, then We made the sign of the night disappear and the sign of the day visible, so that you may seek the grace of your Lord and that you may know the number of years and the reckoning of years. Explained in detail.

In the same way, the coming of day after night and the coming of night after day is also a great blessing of Allah Ta'ala, because if it is always night until the Day of Resurrection, it will not be possible for the creatures to meet their economic needs, and if it is always day until the Day of Resurrection. If it remains, the peace, tranquility and comfort of the creatures will end. Wise people can learn about the power of Allah and His Oneness by thinking about it. So Allah says:
Allah changes the night and the day, surely in that there is a place for those with eyes to understand.
Say: Look, if Allah makes it night for you until the Day of Judgment, then who is there other deity besides Allah who will bring light to you? Do you not listen? Say: Look, if Allah makes the day always until the Day of Judgment, then who else is there to be a deity besides Allah who comes to you with the night in which you rest? Do you not see?
And of the one who created the male and the female. That is, the oath of this mighty power! Who is able to create male and female from the same water
his Surah teaches us the most important intention we need to keep in our hearts while giving charity, i.e., give for the sake of Allah. As long as you remain within the limits of this Deen, Allah will make it easy for you to indulge in more good deeds, easing your path to Paradise and saving you from Hellfire
Muhammad is reported to have said that the reward of reciting this surah is so much that the one who recites it will be pleased when he sees it in his Book of Deeds. His inspiration of good deeds (tawfiq) will also increase. If recited 15 times before sleeping, one will dream about what pleases him most.
The previous surah mentioned rebellion and this surah mentions one of the root causes of rebellion which is the diseased attitude one can have to their wealth. When one becomes wealthy they can sometimes stop relying on Allah (swt) and feel that they are independent and free of need because of their wealth.


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