Shikra beautiful breeder pair best flying

11 months ago

Goshawk, is a small bird of prey found in parts of Asia. Here's a brief description:

Size: The Shikra is a compact raptor, about 25-30 cm (10-12 inches) in length.
Coloration: Adults have a slate-grey upper body with a white underside, often finely barred with reddish-brown. They have distinctive red eyes, and their legs are yellow.
Markings: They have prominent reddish-brown bars on their breast and belly, and their tail is often banded.
Habitat: Shikras are commonly found in a variety of habitats including forests, wooded areas, and sometimes even urban environments.
Diet: They primarily feed on small birds, insects, and occasionally rodents.
Behavior: Shikras are known for their agility in flight, allowing them to chase and catch prey with precision.
Keep in mind that bird plumage can vary slightly depending on factors like age, sex, and region. This description should give you a good general idea of what a Shikra looks like.

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