2kk weekly livestream September 29th | Answering your keto questions | We got our bloodwork done

3 years ago

Dr Berry challenged us to eat nothing but Beef, Butter, Bacon and Eggs for 1 month so we decided to take him up on it. Join us as we eat as much meat as we want with no calorie counting and no intermittent fasting.

Dr Rob Cywes on salt: https://youtu.be/6z95pV1FJVU

Carnivore Crisps: https://bit.ly/2kkCarnivore. Use code 2krazyketos for 10% off

Lab company we used. https://www.ultalabtests.com/shop
Labs we ordered:
Glucose: #483
Hemoglobin A1c. #496
Lipid Panel: #7600
Insulin: #561

Keto Chow: https://2krazyketos.org/Ketochow
(automatically gives you 10% off)
keto Chow club: http://bit.ly/2kkchowclub
(gives you 10% off)

Support the 50 mile march: https://givebutter.com/50milemarch/jaymiralles

Bronson Training: https://apxts.com/
use code 2krazyketos for $5 off every month your are subscribed

Nutrisense CGM: https://www.nutrisense.io use code 2krazyketos for $30 off

Redmond life link: http://bit.ly/Redmondsalt2kk
(use code "2krazyketos" for 15% off
Keto Brick: https://bit.ly/Ketobrick
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/2Fj2YEAENW

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2krazyketosfamily
Join our Community: https://2krazyketos.org/2kkCommunity
Our merchandise: https://2krazyketos.com/shop/
Our website: https://www.2krazyketos.com
Mailing Address: Joe & Rachel Stauffer c/o 2 krazy ketos
5379 Lyons Rd, #609
Coconut Creek, FL. 33073

Our favorite Amazon products : https://www.amazon.com/shop/2kk

Products we like and use on a regular basis:

Super Coffee: https://glnk.io/3q86/2krazyketos15
Perfect Keto:: http://bit.ly/perfectketo2kk
(use code "2krazyketos" for 15% off
Keto Chow: https://2krazyketos.org/Ketochow
(automatically gives you 10% off)
Keto Brick: https://bit.ly/Ketobrick
Bones Coffee: https://bit.ly/bones2kk
keto krate: https://bit.ly/krate2kk
(use code 2KRAZYKETOS for $10 off)
Redmond life link: http://bit.ly/Redmondsalt2kk
(use code "2krazyketos" for 15% off
Berkey water filter: https://bit.ly/2kkberkey
(use code 2krazyketos for 7% off)
Lolli's: https://lollisclusters.com?ac=2krazyketos
(use code 2krazyketos for 10%off)
Smartcakes: https://bit.ly/2UpFg4S
(use code "2krazyketos" for 10% off)
Cereal School: http://bit.ly/2kkcerealschool
Keto Bars: https://bit.ly/ketobar2kk
Power creamer: https://bit.ly/2kkcreamer (use code 2krazyketos for 10% off)
on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3lDyOFT. (use code KETOPM15 for 15% off)
High Key Products: http://bit.ly/highkey2kk
(use code 2krazyketos for 10% off)
Lakanto products: http://bit.ly/2Y1rsUU
(use code 2KRAZYKETOS for 15% off
Fat Snax: https://bit.ly/2kkfatsnax
Alterna sweets: http://alternasweets.com?ref=275
use code 2krazyketos for 5% off
ChocZero products: https://bit.ly/2kkchocolate
use code 2krazyketos for 10% off
Legendary foods: https://bit.ly/legendary2kk
(use code 2krazyketos for 10% off)
Primal Kitchen link: http://bit.ly/2EbYead
(use code "2krazyketos" for 10% off)
Kettle & Fire https://bit.ly/kettleandfire2kk
(use code 2krazyketos for 15% off)
Fox Hill Kitchen: http://bit.ly/foxhill2kk
(Use code 2krazyketos for 15% off)
Cronometer: https://bit.ly/2u5Lix2
KetoCoach ketone tester: http://bit.ly/2W1gPMD
use code 2krazyketos for 10% off meter kit
Keto Mojo, use this link for 15% off your meter: https://bit.ly/2kkmojo
The Keto Box: https://bit.ly/2KpMvKl
Use code 2krazyketos for 15% off your first box
ChiliPad and Ooler Bed: https://trk.chilitechnology.com/SH1l

Our favorite Keto Products: https://bit.ly/2EcDi2R

Some of the links in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase products by clicking on these links, we will earn a small fee to help operate this channel. This does not add any cost to your purchase.
2krazyketos is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

Music: Crimson Fly - Huma-Huma: https://youtu.be/qpxhgby-ONI
A Long Cold by Riot: https://youtu.be/QVfBnysD5G8

Complete giveaway rules: https://www.2krazyketos.com/giveaway-rules/

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