it's Attempted Murder , rent is Auto paid, THE over $5,000 would starve any one of us dead! Crime?

1 year ago

In Wallaceburg Ontario at 800 Wallace St & multiple other buildings Which D a n i e l H u s s e y owns & is landlord for He has openly While THE police & THE landlord Tennent board are called but they have nothing to do with a criminal operating at this level of impunity !!! Let's just Go to THE disabled clients the most vulnerable & Hated of Society along with their rotten Children' better if they were all tortured & killed , well do not you worry that is exactly what is & has been happening, because When THE attempted murder is told to the police they will not even Charge him !!!! Look over & over & Over Over again, but what you people need to know is what the police say !!! They actually tell the disabled to give him monies so they die !!! Yes That is what they do when they are not straight up running from the building because they can't believe I know !! he does not use the Tennent board & it is all just a huge murder & Now who's money is it he is robbing anyway well the tax payer with the O.D.S.P monies going right in to his pockets!!! Now when ever any single Client gives him a dime he Demands ! over their Rent which is paid directly !!! How can he say their is rent owning when it is paid directly & were it not paid their is not a single account that is not shut down after seven days it is a non- existent situation which cannot arise!! Now When a person walks or calls an bank & says I want you to stop accepting all direct payments from clients receiving disability because I plan on using attempted murder , Forgeries , Extortion , & Fraud ! Now To demand & say I will Charge you when they do not even know what is going on, & every single form he has is a forgery ! & THE police know that , But were show it over & over & over 7 over again ! kind of a big important deal to call civil & walk away time & time again !

In a Fictional Movie script I am writing , For Hollywood ( any parallels are coincidences all of Them no matter how spot on are coincidences ) , , But Now I have more strength , & am praying TO God TO Either Take me home now , because I have only obedience left in me & I am not mad meaning or I will no do what is right in THE lord While I have been Raped & robed right out in the open & explained it to everyone , It is straight up THE landlord with every other person in town every others adult involved in money ! THE rents are all Paid So THE first time THE Landlord Demands on your Life! Money's or you are dead! Monies which were automatically paid , This isn't in dispute it's an automatic system if the rent were not paid it would shut off in seven business days ,that is how it works , So Demanding Monies or you will Charge End the life have the medication the Demanding Thousands of Dollars over $5,000 While every entity of THE system knows it's paid !!! IS Attempted Murder!!! If You Give him the monies your basic needs which he is already robbing $200 dollars every month from the basic needs & then While Demanding at the threat of Death !!!! If you pay the money you die of starvation !! IS Murder!! That is what he hopes so he can clear the body out & charge more rent because we are Grandfathered in Their Motivation ! Now THe Police & THE Landlord Tennent board have been called multiple times !! He is not with us !!! They say !! THE Land Lord Tennent board does not have any of this on file because he does not use them unless he is commuting a crime anyway & they are a useful part of it !! Hear I'm a landlord already paid, demanding $5,000 , now THE police know that every rent is paid automatically !!! it is SO many Charges So many Federal Charges , And above all Theft & attempted murder!! at 800 Wallace St Wallaceburg With D A n e i l Hu s s y AS THE Landlord !! Now HE does this to disability Clients because THE police have an agreement with him that they will not charge him for all the murder!! attempts, I have Over 50 false eviction notices!!! All Demanding THE Monies Not Owed!! A little excessive & invasive & attempted murder through Fraud & Forgery & signed up from THE Tennent Board All Forgeries This is an operation which has been going on !! For a Landlord TO Demand Money on Threat OF Death ! Moneys which are already paid & then keep up a harassment & Torment & torture every day ! Where Are his charges??????!!!! Did you know That THE old

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