Abstain, Abhor and Hate Evil - Part 2 -(Be Wise and Stay Far Away from Sin) (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

11 months ago

Sunday Afternoon Preaching Against Sin
Abstain, Abhor and Hate Evil - Part 2
(Be Wise and Stay Far Away from Sin)
October 8, 2023

Text: Psalms 97:10, 1Thes 5:22, Romans 12:9

Objective: that the brethren avoid sin and stay far away from even hint of sin.

Define – Abstain, Abhor, Hate, Evil, Stay Away

Why and How to Stay Far Away from Evil:
1. Because we are Commanded by God
2. Because God will preserve those that do so – Ps. 97:10, Ps. 34:15
3. Because Evil Have Many Forms – or appearances - 1Thes 5:22
4. Because it Corrupts that which is Good and Lovely - Romans 12:9
a. Things that are good and lovely – Love, Good, Spiritual things, peace, honor
b. 1Peter 2:11 – “War Against the Soul”
c. 1Peter 3:10-11 – seek peace
d. It pollutes - Acts 15:20
e. Honor - 1Thes 4:2-5
5. Because It is the Wise Thing to Do - Job 28:28
a. You will be established - Proverbs 4:26-27
b. Prov 14:16
i. “wise man feareth”
ii. If you don’t listen, depart from evil
1. You’re a fool
2. You’re Prideful
6. Because the Lord will Punish - Ps. 34:16, 1Cor. 10:5-6


Let us avoid sin and stay far away from even hint of sin
Zec 7:10

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


fb page: fb.me/dwbc2019
yt: https://www.youtube.com/c/DiscerningWordBaptistChurch



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