Last August, Mr. Miles Guo knew that the CCP would provoke a war in the Middle East

1 year ago

10/9/2023 【Aila on Wayne Dupree Podcast】Aila Wang: Mr. Miles Guo knew clearly in August last year that the CCP would provoke a war in the Middle East or central Europe. The Middle East has always been under the close attention of the CCP. Also, Mr. Miles was also the first one who exposed that Ali Khamenei died last year, which led to a meeting between Xi and the President of Iran to discuss how to launch a full-scale attack on Israel. Everything Mr. Miles said in the live broadcast has now become a fact!
# Israel #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/9/2023 【小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Podcast节目】小飞象: 文贵先生在去年8月份就清楚地知道中共将在中东或欧州中部挑起战火。中东一直处于中共的密切关注中。另外,去年文贵先生第一个爆料阿里·哈梅内伊已死,由此导致习与伊朗总统会面讨论如何对以色列发起全面攻击。文贵先生直播说的一切现都已变成事实!
#以色列 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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