Dr Bob Gill responds to 'Sectarian' accusation

1 year ago

Dr Bob Gill, NHS Campaigner AND and south london GP, talks to Crispín from “not the Andrews marr show”, about the campaign group “Keep our NHS Public”

KONP was an organisation that in its early days campaigned against the closure of the A&E department of Lewisham Hospital and it was at that time Bob got involved with it.

The organisation had a lot of resonance with british workers and gained a lot of support in that campaign and threatened to become a vehicle that could genuinely challenge NHS privatisation.

It became clear to Bob, however, that when it came to initiating a broader campaign against the true policies leading to destruction of the NHS - the internal market, the revolving door between business and NHS management, dismantling of planning, PFI, HSCA 2012, CCG fundholding, the takeover of private health, the big 4 accountancy firms, major logistics firms and big health insurance companies, and the increasing private contracting of NHS services - that the leadership of KONP was opposed to really pushing the understanding of these policies to the public.

Instead, the leadership of KONP wanted to turn it into a vehicle that would campaign for Labour Party electioneering.
KONP, says Bob, is a “controlled opposition”, itself limited in scope by Labour Party ties.

In this way, the Labour Party has once again shown itself to play the role of controlling the political action of British workers, and frustrating any movement that might oppose the plans of the capitalist class - just as it does with the trade union movement itself.

An important contribution that should be widely viewed and understood.


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