GET READY: Some of this chaos could be coming here. The terrorists are here folks...

1 year ago

Muslim Threats To Americans ‘ We will not stop…’ Attacks WILL come here.
"151 people on the terror watchlist have crossed our southern border ... what is being done to lock down those individuals who now are somewhere in the United States?"

Top Biden spokesman John Kirby: "I don't have any specific law enforcement actions"
JUST IN: In New York City, a Muslim man made a threat to all non-believers. “We’re done being tortured and hurt and judged. This is the correct religion. This is the religion that all of humanity needs to be — Islam.” “We will not stop until it enters every home. So I want you to repeat after me. I want to hear it in every single district. It should tremble Brooklyn should hear it. The Bronx should hear it. Queens should hear it. Say it — There is no God worthy of worship except Allah. The God of Jesus, the God of Moses, the God of Abraham, and the God of the last and final prophet, Muhammed…”

The News Variable Show, with Mal Antoni hosting... Now here on Rumble. All controversial statements by Mr. Antoni are his own opinions. If you don't like them, don't watch. If you are one of those nut cases who watch just to complain, get a life or stick to fake news. We have no time for your BS. America needs patriots that just say it like it is. If you don't like it, too damn bad.
------DISCLAIMER: This show contains opinions of the host and guests and is meant for education and/or entertainment purposes only. News Variable provides information and the sources where it was obtained. Viewer discretion is advised.

Email for any reason - or check out my new account over at Twitter, Not used much yet but it is also have a Facebook that I don't use - and never check yet. I will eventually, maybe.

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