The world press found the culprit for the attack on Israel

1 year ago

The world press found the culprit for the attack on Israel - Israeli intelligence . Journalists believe that the incident was a “complete failure” for local intelligence services. We collected the main points from the Western press:

➖ Foreign Affairs: The surprise attack on an unprecedented scale is a “complete failure” of the security systems of Israel, which has come to trust its “sophisticated means” of espionage. The reason for Hamas's success lies in the "arrogance" (hubris) of Israel, which was in no hurry to solve problems.

➖ The Washington Post: The Hamas attack is a "stunning" intelligence failure that could take Israel years to investigate. The newspaper also points to the "strange hubris" and "overconfidence" of the Israeli authorities, who failed to appreciate the level of "creativity, competence and organized malice" of their opponents.

➖ Reuters: Israel was caught off guard by an elaborate Hamas campaign. The group's fighters openly prepared for the operation while the Israeli government was confident it was containing the war-weary movement. Hamas pretended to be unprepared for war so it could create the “biggest hole” in Israel’s defenses since 1973.

➖ BBC : Israeli intelligence, with all its vast resources, did not foresee the attack. “We have no idea how this could have happened,” Israeli officials told the station. No one in the country's security services foresaw such a development of events. Officials said they have launched a major investigation that will "continue for years."

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