The Lord Says to Israel - I Will SIFT I Will SORT - A SPECKLED HERD - Prophetic Word Given 10-9-23

1 year ago

HI everyone. Brother Matt here back with another message from the Lord from early this morning October 9th. Even here as I am about to post I see a news headline about Israel launching a full siege of Gaza. Today's word was not easy to receive, nor has it been easy to declare. But it will hopefully push all of us to pray for Israel and this whole conflict.

If you are new to this channel- welcome! Please check out my other videos as I have been posting the messages the Lord has been giving me here for the last several weeks. Please also subscribe, like, comment and share this with others who need to hear.

Do you know the Lord? In John 14:6 Jesus says, "I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. NO ONE comes to the FATHER except through ME." There is no other way to God except through Jesus alone.

Here is the transcript for today:

October 9th, 2023

I, the Lord
The Holy One of Israel
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
The Anointed One
The Alpha
The Omega
The One Who Knows the End from the Beginning
I will speak
Turn your ear to Me and heed My words

O My Children
How I long to come to you
How I long for you to be reconciled to Me
Soon I will gather you to Myself
Watch for Me
And prepare for the day of your ingathering

The shaking has begun
You have seen it in My nation Israel
I will accomplish all of My plans for My people
For this world
Even now I will not forsake any who are Mine
Those who think themselves wise will declare peace but no peace will there be
Apart from Me there can be no lasting peace
Though My people forsake Me
I will not forget them
Still I will reveal My hand
My self
Even in this crisis many will cry out to Me for salvation
I will not be silent
I will speak

Israel trusts in it’s own security
In its own strength
But it does not trust in Me
The Most High God
The God of Their Fathers
They honor Me only with their mouths with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me
They would seek to draw the lines with their own hands
And ask Me to bless them
But I am He who sets the lines
Who draws the boundaries of a nation and a people
There arrogance does not please Me
Therefore I will humble them

I will bring them low that they might turn to Me
That they might return to their Father
That they might call upon My Holy Name again
Even now their enemies set their faces against My people
Though My hand will be heavy upon them
Still I will remember My promises to their fathers
I am a faithful God
The only One Who is True

But I will have what is Mine
My possession will not be withheld from Me
Therefore I will shake
I will sift
I will sort
I will separate out a people devoted to My name
As Jacob separated out a herd for himself
So I shall separate and set aside a people from among THE PEOPLE for Myself
A speckled herd
A remnant that is My own

Do not fear though the foundations shake
The one who makes the Lord his trust will stand secure in the day
But look and see My hand is at work among My people even now
The crook is in My hand to separate those who are Mine
I will arrange
According to My own plans
I will not bear with those who would do evil in My name and call it good
I will judge their unrighteous acts
If any would escape My hand of judgement
Tell them to repent
Tell them to return
Tell then to seek My way
To call upon the Chosen and Anointed One
Then they will be saved
There will they find salvation for their souls and peace in their lands
Open your eyes o people
Open your ears and hear My word
I have not hidden Myself from You
My witnesses are ever before You
Yet You are hard of heart and stiff of neck
What shall I do with you o children?
I have loved you with an everlasting love
I have preserved you
I have secured you
But your pride is an abomination to Me
You who would say “We have Abraham as our father.”
Yet it is the seed of Abraham who will declare judgement on you
Return to Me O people
Return while there is yet time

Be faithful to Me O servant of the Lord
Declare what I have given to you

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