Lost book of Enki | Tablet 4 | Annunaki chronicles

1 year ago

The Episode Lost Book of Enki tablet 4. part T The Anunnaki series
Synopsis of the Fourth Tablet
The Nibiruans hail even the small gold delivery
Tests of gold's use as an atmospheric shield succeed
Additional heroes and new equipment are sent to Earth
Gold extraction from the water continues to disappoint
Ea discovers gold sources that need deep mining in the
Enlil, then Anu, come to Earth for cruical decisions
As the half brothers quarrel, lots decide the tasks
Ea, renamed Enki (Earth's Master), goes to the Abzu
Enlil stays to develop permenent facilities in the Edin
As Anu prepares to lease, he is attacked by Alalu
Anu and Enlil arrives on Earth. The foundation of Edin
(Eden) takes place. Alalu dies in exile on Lahmu

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