Riverdale - Just a heads up on Utilities (mtg 10/11/23, 7:30) & the Upcoming Meet the Candidates (10/18, 6pm)

1 year ago

I am Lisa Ferrara and I am speaking in my capacity as a private citizen and not in my capacity as a Board Member. These statements are not representative of the Riverdale Board of Education or it’s individual members. I am not giving you legal advice. I am only providing information to aid you in doing your own due diligence.
I just had a few things that I wanted to give you a heads up on.

1. Regarding the Sewer Connection – I noticed that there is a Borough Ordinance 04-2023 that revises fees for water/sewer charges for service connections and material. It also states that each applicant for a service connection to the water system of the Borough of Riverdale shall pay the current connection charges AT THE TIME THE APPLICATION IS MADE. It appears that this ordinance repeals information in previous ordinances and will take effect immediately after final passage at the Riverdale Town Council Meeting, Wednesday, 10/11/23 at 7:30. MY connection was in installments over a period of years, not due upon the time of application. I’ve reached out to the town in clarification of my understanding of this ordinance but have not yet heard back from them. If I do, I will post a comment to let you know the answers. My questions are as follows: 1. On any new hookups, are there no longer installments and the fees (including construction assessment, connection and interest are to paid up front? 2. Does this affect me as it repeals other ordinances and is my balance now due? 3. If it does affect me, What are the legal requirements for you to let me know other than advertising this ordinance and approving it? Will there be letters to each resident in the mail? 4. Is there a legal obligation for the town to let the affected people know if there is a lien put on their house because of this or because of a late payment?

I know someone in Riverdale who recently, unknowingly had a lien put on their house because of a missed sewer payment and had to jump through hoops to get this fixed and paid. I provided links for you to do your own investigation to see if this affects you and hopefully you can make the meeting on Wednesday if it does.

Sewer/Water Ordinance 04-2023. I searched Riverdale, in the last 60 days on njpublicnotices.com https://www.njpublicnotices.com/(S(wevkagwl1iwv3qtxxwe20bgv))/Details.aspx?SID=wevkagwl1iwv3qtxxwe20bgv&ID=1152045

To check if a lien is on your house you can contact the County Clerk or do a records search as follows: Go to https://www.morriscountyclerk.org/Home , select registry, select online property records search, select search the county clerk’s office property records, select web browser search at the bottom. Type in last name then first (no comma) and select search. Note all names may not be you. You should be able to open the document and see if it pertains to you. You should have your Deed
regardless of whether or not your mortgage was paid off and if you don’t, you can request a copy from the record’s department 973-285-6747 at the Morris County Clerk Office.

CAN A LIEN BE PLACED ON YOUR PROPERTY WITHOUT YOU KNOWING? https://www.proplogix.com/blog/can-a-lien-be-placed-on-your-property-without-you-knowing/

2. Meet the Candidates will be held at Riverdale School, Wednesday, 10/18 at 6pm in the library. It will be hosted by the Riverdale PTA. I’m not sure how this was advertised to the whole town, so PLEASE spread the word and share this message. There are currently 2 candidates and 1 spot up for re-election. I just met the new candidate, Josephine Iurato and she was a breath of fresh air, but please come and see for yourself on Wednesday and get to know the candidates. If you are interested in submitting a question for the evening, they must be submitted by 10/15/23, https://rpsnj.memberhub.com/w/. Voting is on 11/7/2023. Just so you know, if you are thinking about becoming a board member, November 2024 there will be 3 spots up for re-election. Applications, I believe are due close to June.

3. The last Riverdale Board Meeting was 9/27/23 if you’d like to watch here on Rumble. The next one is on 10/19/23 at 7pm, if you’d like to attend.

I hope to see you on Wednesday, 10/18th. Thank you for listening and don’t forget to share this message.

When commenting, please remember to be kind.

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