His Glory Presents: Julie Green Ministries Ep. 51 "A FREEDOM YOUR ENEMIES CAN’T TAKE AWAY"

1 year ago

His Glory Presents: Julie Green Ministries Ep. 51 "A FREEDOM YOUR ENEMIES CAN’T TAKE AWAY"

For I, the Lord, am telling you, My children, to declare your freedoms. Shout your freedoms. Say today: "I am free." Take it now. "I am free." Take it now. All of My children's freedoms have been paid for. All of you have a right to that freedom now. So, take that freedom now. Take it today. Take it now. It's here to stay. Your freedom is now. Your freedom is now. Your freedom has been paid for. Your freedom is now. Whether it's in your body or your finances, freedom is now. Take it now. Say: "My freedom is now. My healing is now. My restoration is now. My deliverance is now." Take it now, saith the Lord. Take what I have for you now.

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