Big Pharma concerned of vaccine hesitancy as only 2% took Covid death-shot (

11 months ago

October 5th 2023 Big Pharma is concerned about vaccine hesitancy as only 4M American's took the latest Covid booster death-shot. The shot has reached fewer than 2% of Americans; far below the 24% estimate by Pfizer.
October 5th 2023 Longitudinal assessment of COVID-19 vaccine uptake: A two-wave survey of a nationally representative U.S. sample. In February 2022, 57% were vaccine hesitant, while only 47% got vaccinated.

As of December 2022, 89% have not taken the bi-valent booster; 81% have not taken a Flu shot; 80% say covid is not a major health concern; 72% of the U.S. believes the covid pandemic is over; 69% believe covid measures are the worst thing that has ever happened to their child; 66% are taking no coronavirus measures; 66% will not take any booster shot for any reason; 66% want Nuremberg 2.0 Trials; 66% agree with all the contentions of the Chief Justice;. 50% say there should be no mandate for vaccines for school children& 50% of the world now are convinced that Covid-19 was a staged plannedemic, a scamdemic, a fraud, not the top health concern and a massive criminal conspiracy that involved all the countries, leaders and peoples of the world. 44% believe the U.S government is run by The Cabal. 43% of the U.S. will not take any vaccine “for any reason”. 38% say vaccines are not very effective or not effective at all 56% for republicans. 35% of parents now believe they should be the ones to decide whether their children receive a slate of childhood vaccines. Only 20% of adults are “fully vaccinated”. Vaccinations for Florida schoolchildren are at a 10-year low. Despite constant propaganda, populations across the world are finally rejecting the Covid injection. John D Rockefeller of Rockefeller Oil & Rockefeller Medicine made his money selling "snake oil" laced with alcohol & opium and now vaccines. "William A Rockefeller, was a traveling snake-oil swindler posing as a deaf-mute peddler & hawked miracle drugs". Klaus Schwab of the WEF and The Great Reset & Rockefeller Foundation are the one behind carbon taxes, carbon capture and your carbon allowance. He is also the one behind "Transhumanism" a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities” to manipulate your behavior.

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