The Asteroid Belt - What Lies Between Mars And Jupiter?

1 year ago

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The Asteroid Belt - What Lies Between Mars And Jupiter?

Asteroids are bits of rocky stuff that float around our solar system among the planets. Asteroids, which are too tiny to be called planets, are a'relic' of the solar system's early development, dating back about 4.6 billion years. There are three categories of asteroids based on their composition.

C-type asteroids, or those with a high carbon content, are the most frequent, accounting for over 75% of all asteroids. Clay, minerals, and silicate rocks are common constituents of these gray asteroids. M-types are rich in metals such as iron and nickel, and most likely contribute to their red color. S-types range in color from red for green and are primarily composed of silicate minerals, along with iron and nickel.
These objects can clash with planets, cause falling stars, and form enormous belts as they orbit the sun.

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