UFO appears in the Middle of the Night over La Quinta, California

1 year ago

Kytti. from La Quinta, California, was outside late at night on February 28, 2022 when she noticed a UFO zipping around and recorded it. The UFO appeared to respond to her each time she talked to it.

"She wrote this about the UFO sighting on February 28, 2022:
I’m the one who took the video on February 28th of the UFO’s flying over our skies. In the video, you can hear me saying “ c’mon, I want to get you on film.” Towards the end of the 1st 1:03 minute video, the white orb aligned itself so that it was in the middle of my phone camera …. Not just once, but it did it twice. Although it could not hear me, I had the distinct impression it could understand what I was asking. I was not scared at all during this time. I did hear weird noises in my house about an hour later and I heard a strange “exhale.“

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