"SEE HOW THEY RUN" (2022) Directed by Tom George #debut #movies #moviereview

1 year ago

I was midway through this cinematic debut from director Tom George when, unravelling myself from a duvet to ward off the first real signs of a coming English winter, I did what all right minded thinking English gentleman should do in these circumstances. I made myself a fresh and piping hot cup of tea and marvelled on my highly popular Twitter channel how promising See How They Run was at the halfway point and how wonderful Sam Rockwell’s central performance was. I opined that I missed Philip Seymour Hoffman and how his friend Sam had filled the “character actor par excellence” chasm left by Hoffman’s early departure from our earthly plane and how he’d have had a ball acting in this film! Thinking of the great man led me back to Sam Rockwell but the chaos surrounding him at every turn wasn’t just reminiscent of the Coen Brothers at their epic Fargo best, no, it was to Adrien Brody I turned and then to the captivating presence of the otherworldly beauty that is Saoirse Ronan and with the sweeping camera shots capturing the film industry of early 1950’s London amid an Agatha Christie inspired murder whodunit, a play within a play if you will, it was to the slapstick and awkward comedy of Wes Anderson that I finally turned and particularly his envisioning of The Grand Budapest Hotel in 2014.

Where Anderson’s inspired hotel was picture book in its feel and twisted through the dirty and dank Coen Brothers lens of their particular hotel in 1991’s Barton Fink, Tom George, aided and abetted by the music of Daniel Pemberton, the production design of Amanda McArthur and the beautiful period costume designs of Odile Dicks-Mireaux, has created a cliched love letter to the bustling film and theatre industry of 1950s London. Whilst I had the constant feeling of another possible inspiration and a genre crossover from the gaming platform of Sony’s PlayStation and their fantastically atmospheric and intriguing game LA Noire, rather than the usual peek beneath the dubious veneer of American Hollywood, here we have the opulence, class and the spectacle of opportunity that is a thriving London and theatre district celebrating the 100th showing of Agatha Christie’s “Mousetrap” and of course an in-house on set murder, whilst a serial killer is also on the loose at the infamous Rillington Place in nearby Notting Hill.

The above two paragraphs are taken from my spoiler free review of "See How They Run" originally penned and posted to my Medium blog site on 5th November 2022 and the review can be read for free and in full via my Substack site linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review can also be found within Volume 5 of my 7 volume set of "essential film reviews collection" that can be read for free should you have a Kindle "Unlimited" package:

Volume 5:


All 7 Volume Series:



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