"Crimes of the Future" (2022) Directed by David Cronenberg #movies #moviereview

1 year ago

"Disturbing, shocking and graphically adult, Cronenberg’s latest just left me cold".

Brought to you by a man in a Beatles t-shirt!

David Cronenberg’s latest disturbing and shocking creation centres on a dank, dark and dirty unnamed city of a future that was constantly reinforced to me as perhaps a dystopian relic from a near past or for those of a conspiratorial mind, a very near future indeed. One of the film’s very first images is of a large barge or ship idling on its side and rusting away in the shallow waters of a coastal town that is as rusty, industrial, yellow brown and decaying as the stranded ship. Every room or place of interest within this dark and unwelcoming city is badly decaying with paint peeling from every wall and surface, and everywhere is covered in a yellow/brown mould. But rather than the obviously anticipated death that would follow in such a horrendous hell scape, it is life, the creation of life and, rather more pointedly, the creation of artificial synthetic life, that captures the imagination of a rag tag cast of characters within four or five distinct groupings inside the city. With the eradication of physical pain, disease and “no handwashing anymore”, cutting, extreme body mutilations and surgery is clearly regarded as a sexual as well as physical high, whilst a frail old man seemingly stands alone.

He can still feel pain. Chronic pain. But he has a unique bodily gift.

The brief opening paragraphs above are taken from my spoiler free review of "Crimes of the Future" I originally penned and published on 25th June 2022 to my Medium blog site and which can be read in full and for free (please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack blog site and the article itself linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also featured within the first volume of my 7 volume series of "essential film reviews collection" (£4.99 per volume) or each and every volume can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:

Volume 1:


All 7 Volumes:



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