1 year ago

Once again, like with so many other alarmists narratives, more harm is done to the very groups, animals and/or environments activists proclaim to want to save. And “CLIMATE CHANGE”, another in a long line of failed predictions, has, and will continue to be the most disastrous to human civilization as we know it. Under the banner of climate alarmism, land has been taken, food supply has been compromised, energy costs have exponentially risen, jobs have been lost, companies have been coerced while others have been put out of business, governments have been hijacked, property and works of art have been vandalized, indigenous animals and plant life have been slaughtered, landfills have been inundated with non-biodegradable waste, people, including children have been enslaved, and environments have been raided for the materials needed to further this unsustainable endeavor. What’s more ridiculous, is the support for these self-destructive practices championed by individuals who haven’t bothered to take 15-minutes to research the validity of activists and governments peddling these logically nonsensical proclamations, because if they had, they wouldn’t be throwing paint on masterpieces and blocking everyday citizens from driving to work. They instead would be calling for these governments to do everything in their power to provide the most amount of energy at the lowest cost possible while at the same time producing the least amount of waste. We have this technology available to us and not only are our leaders choosing not to expound upon it, they are actively shutting down this abundant energy supply in favor of wind and solar which have proven to be inadequate and unreliable. It is energy, not electric cars (ironically powered by fossil fuels) that ultimately separates first world countries from third world countries. If we continue down this “climate change” path, I predict it will not only relegate every country in the world back to the stone ages, it will kill billions in the process.



ON PODCAST: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/EPISODE-41-CLIMATE-CHANGE-NARRATIVE--THE-PROPAGANDIST-CATCHALL-e2abmc8

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