Hamas Attacks Israel and the left Celebrates Around the World | 10/0923

1 year ago

Hamas launched an unprovoked and surprise attack on Israeli land and people from all over the world over the weekend. The stories of innocent lives taken in brutal fashion are terrible to hear and see, yet somehow a battle over the moral high ground has also broken out. The US and Israeli's created Hamas and are reaping what they sowed, some say. Others believe this to be a totally immoral act. Where does the truth lie? It's way more complicated than black and white in some ways, in others, it's very simple.

Also, it's Columbus Day or as the left tells us, Indigenous Peoples Day. Why are we destroying Columbus and heaping love on all Native tribes? It's such a strange thing to do given the realities of Columbus' life and the history of the tribes of the Caribbean and North America. We examine this phenomenon too.

Hamas Origin Story: https://ciaotest.cc.columbia.edu/journals/jps/v41i3/f_0025591_20939.pdf

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