Anastasia ( of The Ringing Cedars) & I discuss PUTIN & TRUMP's SOULS

11 months ago

Who is Putin? What kind of Soul does President Trump have?
If you want to understand the souls of these two men, watch this channeling chat I made with Anastasia of the Ringing Cedars.

2.17 My Architecture professor, Dr Faozi Ujam counselled me back i 2000 as I was sifting all my PhD research saying, “You have to take stand!” So here we are. I count down from 10 to see what I can find.
3.06 I use my device of a large leather bound book…we find out the version of him we are seeing is “linked to Putin’s soul”- many people have said he is a clone…
4.04 We gather info regarding his intentions
4.22 To do this, I decide to win up with Anastasia, of the Ringing Cedars books- written by Vladimir Megre about her. I give a brief description of who Anastasia is.
5.13 I am told “there is a permission required.” I am granted permission if I come “from a place of musical quality”!
5.45 Putin, tell me about him.
“ Founding father figure of Russia again- a little like an old-fashioned Zsar. Sees himself as a father to his people- puppeted as well.
6.00 Who is he puppeted by, Anastasia?
“The dark and light forces, playing puppets with all our figureheads on the planet.” She shows me the marionettes on strings. I ask her if it is possible to find out whether he takes a good or a bad direction.
“Good and bad for who? For what? For many reasons, he is seen as good by some and bad by others- as all people. There is a general prosperity tendency around him, and that is celebrated by many. However, there is also a harshness to him, and that is feared by many.
This ‘still sacrificing for military’ is embedded in our society: I wish we had it not. - SO the ruthlessness of him, yes, that’s true.”
7.00 I ask Anastasia to outline some of his good qualities:
“This mastery of….conglomeration- connecting together the resources of the neighbouring countries back into an idea of an alliance of an old fashioned soviet union, without it being that old hard, harsh one of the Soviet Union. He is pulling them in, drawing them in to greater Russia. But there is no formal agreement. The ‘iron hand’ means that he doesn’t give in to the West- a united front which can be useful.
7.45 I ask Anastasia if she is able to talk about his relationship to the Ukraine and what is happening there:
“The disciplinarian- moving in where he feels he is needed. Surgically operating, pincer movements….Yes, see ‘smash and grab’, that is the part of the glory of old Russia; we cannot help it, for we are trained in fury as soldiers. Yes, sad as that may be, it is the way of my people for many aeons. its mentality is that it is a necessary evil, to go in and destroy certain places, to prevent massive ‘other’ situations.”
8.27 I ask her about the loss of life to both Russians and Ukrainians in this conflict, regarding Putin:
“An analysis shows there is loss, there is death on both sides….it is this thing which happens in war ‘theatres’ as they are called. If it is threatening our lands, he will police them: strict border control. The NATO issue is important to him, and the sacrifice of lives is considered da ‘necessary’.
9.00 I ask her about his genetic make-up, whether he is fully human, or a hybrid:
“So, you asked me about the cloning, yes? There is an extra….I wouldn’t necessarily call it a strand to the DNA. There is a certain ‘modification’ here. He is one of those families….’tooled-up’ and brought-up for such extravagant feats of power: ruthless is the word, yet protecting values, protecting values.”
9.45 I explain how some people I love and know, who talk about him being a terrorist and awful being. I ask her what she can say about this:
“Tacit agreements among all his power-mongers, to hold things down as little as possible. The expenditure of life is something which I do not agree with, but it is still seen as something to be done…he would rather win the war than be defeated.”
10.30 I ask whether this is just a ‘pride’ thing, or there is something more we need to understand? ( I reference stories of Russian soldiers stealing basic things form the Ukraine and of soldiers being pumped with horrible chemical compounds to make them fierce and crazy in battle. We hear of children missing and families being killed, when surely it should be soldier and soldier. We even hear of the miserable conditions for soldiers.)
“They are Putin’s soldiers, he puts them where he wishes to put them. He is the Oligarch- he believes he is herding them, he is holding them as the grandfather of the family, of the country that he is ruling, looking-over.”
11.38 I ask about the conditions of the soldiers ( stealing Ukraine porcelain toilets to take hoe to mother Russia…):
“It is a deeply classed society. Those who are voracious, who have an appetite for power, have made their way through it- it is a country of wolves. Of course it is, look at the landscape. SO you have the elves, so you have the sheep and you have the shepherds. So you see Putin, he is the shepherd of the wolves, he is the chief wolf. He must bark them down and keep them in order. And better, a slightly better wolf than all of the raging ones. It is a difficult situation, it has been formed of cold and difficulty. It makes people wild and terrorising. The difficulties of the soldiers, is a sadness I find hard to experience myself. They are the young pawns, sent in for whatever reason. Some try to get out of it, by being ill, mentally it’ll. They make up things, psychosomatically and they keep away. it means their career chances are tricky later on. But they will do these things sometimes to get out of these conditions, And it is still very old fashioned. It is still brutal…that is how they keep this wild, fierce Cossack nature in check.”
13.25 I ask Anastasia to tell us any more about Putin which may help us know and judge him:
“Putin is doing what he feels is best. His relationship to the West must be maintained in this manner, saying, “Stop! No further!” It is a globalist agenda of a different kind: he wishes to have an equal say in wha tis happening, and not be overrun and overshot. The WEF is wanting its piece of the pie, and he (Putin) wants to have an equal say, and equal standing in his area of the world And this is his was of saying “stop!” and “No!” It doesn’t mean he is kind, or good, but he is saying stop and no. And in general this is good and useful as it gives some resistance.”
14.14 I ask her more about the Ukraine. I reference Oksana Buchanan’s accounts of the special genetics of the people. And I add the reports of the many Biolabs and the trafficking of children and adults:
“It is a dark mess. The ‘goods’ are hidden behind the ‘bads’. The goods are manipulated by the bad. You hear one thing, you cannot trust it. In truth, it is these many layers; nothing is simple here. How can it be with so many people, so many vying powers?”
15.30 I ask Anastasia where these two countries can eventually head. I reference the stories of such promise for future earth and then hiding the evil within these very good makes it hard to fight and remove this filth. It makes Putin appear like some monster as he has to cut into the good to take out the bad:
16.36 “We are at this edge of strangeness , where all manner of things are continuing. The darkness has always been so in ripples and waves or course. There is a longing in the folk for peace. They don’t know, like all the rest of the world, how far they have been duped. IN their innocence and their purity, they have been duped even further. And yes, this ‘cheek-by-jowel’ of darkness to them, means that they suffer when the dark is being cleared out. They are tainted. The alternative media does not understand these complexities, because the information is not available. Your friend, Oksana Buchanan can bring firth this information. It is NOT that all of Ukraine is good. It is that there are many, many goodnesses: beautiful, extraordinary people. And next to it, there are little pockets of nasty darkness.
This is the difficulty: human life is not a simple thing. War is not a simple thing. It never has been, it never will be.”
17.45 I ask if there is anything more to say about Putin?
“His relationship to the United States is full of friction And it is understandable why his relationship to Mr Trump would be so strong. - As a different broker of a different kind of alliance, Mr Trump stands for, of course, this world power. It’s just a different kind to the ‘Klaus Schwab’ world power. All in all, we are in a frequency transition, and Trump is leading that in a way that is different from the other power elements.
It is under the guise…the rhomboid ship-shape movement forward of still an overreaching power structure but, there is a different kind of essence.” ( I interrupt, knowing I have to talk about Trump now….)
18.40 I ask Anastasia to talk about Trump. I affirm that she and I both picked-up this ‘Angelic Frequency’ to him- I have experienced it. We have the ‘traditional media’ we know of his Jesuit upbringing, who his parents were is a little trickier, surrounded by many rumours of whether he was adopted or not. He certainly lived in a way that would mean he would have to go into ‘their’ system and use it. And he does openly say that he did use it to get where he is.
That is a big plan for a soul….I always got the impression that his soul was of width and breadth beyond most humans’ comprehension :
“It is a different type of soul. He has come with this mission, it is a ’saviour-type’ mission. It is necessarily going to make people hate him, and inspire people to love him. Such is the role of a saviour: you are a martyr, a victim and a saviour at the same time. You are stirring the pot- as you need to be. You are a figure-head, and you will be the figurehead between the forces of anger- and not, the outrage- and not…always that direction. You have to be a very different kind of soul to take the buffeting which is thrown at you. you are a target, that is what you are. To come in and decide to be that kind of a soul in that kind of experience you are large. And dancership is your mastery.
There is a wisdom and a quietude within him. Truly peace is his preferred method. You could say ‘ruthless’ too….but it is a different kind of ruthlessness: there is compassion in the man, there is compassion in the man.

How did he get his fortunes? Yes, he played the dice of that game: he watched all of those pathways taken by those people making those decisions in those kind of lives. He fooled many of them. That was his aim: he came as this player, this multi-dimensional player. Assured to be hated by so very many…and then built up as a saviour; an almost impossible position to hold if you are but a normal human. He is an expanded being and mind. He is not unkind, he is good. It is important to understand, he operates on levels that most humans never ever occupy. You cannot judge him as a normal human- for he is not.
You cannot actually judge him, because your mind would have to be as open and wide and broad and deep as his, in order TO judge him. You can witness him, and observe him, question him and speak to him, but you cannot judge him. There are not many beings of his calibre on the planet: he had to be a match for the ones who had let themselves fall deeply, but a match on the other side of the game.
Focus, is his most extraordinary skill. Focus within a hurricane: the “Storm is Upon Us” is not a joke. His clarity: it is not easy to hear one note in an orchestra…..”
22.21 We finish our conversation there and I thank her. I encourage YOU to leave your thoughts as comments and exhort you to open yourself up as deep and broad and wide and high as possible. You observe, and you add what you have, to the mix!

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