Jaw-dropping Footage From Inside The Eye Of A Hurricane

7 years ago

NOAA, also known as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, recently sent their Hurricane Hunter aircraft to get an eerily calm view of Hurricane Irma from inside the eye. The cloud walls are a sight to see.
This team of four keeps calm as it slights through the clouds watching from above as Category Five Hurricane Irma strikes.
This is actual footage recorded by 'NOAA/Hurricane Hunters' from several different angles.

This team of hurricane hunters seems to be much into their job. They are discussing and commenting the view during their flight and are seemingly excited to be up in the air, completing their quest. It might seem that Irma is small if you look at it from above, but you have to be very courageous nonetheless to enter the eye of this category five hurricane.
These men were brave and up for a challenge. They placed several cameras to film from a different angle in order to capture the footage of this intimidating phenomenon.
This is another footage of Irma that shows how this hurricane is not naive at all and its power shouldn't be taken for granted.

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