The Pageant of British History by James Edward Parrott

1 year ago

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I. Britain before the Roman Conquest

The Phœnicians
The Ancient Britons
The Druids
The Coming of Cæsar
II. The Shadow of Rome

A Warrior Queen
The Iron Hand
III. The Coming of the English

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Hengist and Horsa
Ethelbert and Bertha
The Singer of the First English Song
IV. The Viking Invasions

The Coming of the Sea-Kings
Alfred the Great
King Canute
V. The Coming of the Normans

Harold of England and William of Normandy
The Eve of the Invasion
The Battle of Hastings
Hereward the Wake
VI. England under the Normans

William the Red
Matilda, “Lady” of England
The Great Archbishop
Richard of the Lion Heart
King John and Magna Charta
VII. The Three Edwards

The First Prince of Wales
William Wallace
Robert the Bruce
Merciful Queen
The Black Prince
VIII. On French Fields

King Harry the Fifth
Joan, the Maid
IX. The Wars of the Roses

The King-Maker
The Little Princes in the Tower
X. Tudor Times

John and Sebastian Cabot
King and Cardinal
The New Worship
XI. A Tragic Story

Mary Queen of Scots
XII. In the Spacious Days

The Spanish Armada
Sir Walter Raleigh
XIII. The Great Rebellion

Charles the First
Oliver Cromwell
Robert Blake
XIV. From the Restoration to the Revolution

The Restoration of Charles the Second
James, Duke of Monmouth
XV. After the Revolution

William the Third
The Great Duke of Marlborough
XVI. Bonnie Prince Charlie

XVII. Makers of Empire

Robert Clive, the Daring in War
James Wolfe, Conqueror of Canada
XVIII. Nelson of the Nile

XIX. Wellington

XX. Victoria the Good

XXI. Edward the Peacemaker

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