This Week, Make the Congress Work!

1 year ago

Livestream at 2pm EDT/11am PDT with Dennis Speed and Mike Robinson.
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The American economist, statesman, and eight-time Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche once wrote: “If one proposed to force existing governments to directly implement (a certain policy,) the task must seem formally an impossibility. Yet, if the possibility for a rapid succession of intermediating developments is clearly understood, no such difficulty as initially appears to prevail stands in our way." Is that statement true, and if so, are the American people, or those in Europe under the thumb of the London-Washington axis, capable of overthrowing the “Nero”-liberal dictatorships that have declared, without their electorate’s permission, world war on Russia?

The American Presidency is presently morally and mentally dysfunctional. Drugs, crime and terrorism infect the White House. The American Presidential System, otherwise, has two serious but “outlawed” candidacies, that of Donald J. Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. This is therefore the most dangerous American electoral circumstance of the post-1945 period. British intelligence and financial influence has “flooded the Presidential zone,” and London and Washington, through NATO, are now fighting a world war against Russia which must needs turn into a civilization-destroying thermonuclear conflict.

But what about the American people? Will they wake up and do what is required of them? At this very moment, and perhaps for only a few days more, it is possible to intervene, using the power of reason, into a temporarily-destabilized Congress, to force it to take up its Constitutionally-mandated duties regarding the declaration and funding of war.

Did the Congress vote for Tony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Victoria Nuland to start a world war with Russia? Did you, or anyone, vote for Joe Biden to do that? Now, we must act, and the people of the world must be our conscience in acting, to do what appears to be impossible; but “if the possibility for a rapid succession of intermediating developments is clearly understood, no such difficulty as initially appears to prevail stands in our way."

Our nation, our lives, and the lives of the world depend on it.

Link to conference exposing the International Assassination Bureau:

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