King Gurglar 46m01s "Hardcore Rules" Speedrun KENSHI

1 year ago

Defeat King Gurglar: Category Speed Run "Official Entry" Hardcore Rules.
46m01s.84s Current World Record.

00:00 intro and game verification.

02:39 about to start run

Time ends on death of King Gurglar.

There should be romm of improvement, this was the very first run !!!

For everyone that cares: Cheers & Happy Gaming!

# These rules apply to all categories unless stated otherwise.
## General Submission Rules
No External Versions of the Game.
Using the in-game editors, external modding or other such developer like tools, is not allowed.
The recording must start by verifying your game files on GOG or Steam and you must start the game from that launcher after.
You must show that the gameplay settings are set to default, and your mod list is empty at the start of a new game or after your run.
Speedrun timer starts once your character loads into the map, not on character creation screen.
In game loading times do not count towards the time of the run.
Time spent manually paused does count towards your time.
If save scumming, all but game loading times count towards your run. (i.e. pausing & menu times)

It is recommended to use timers and in the case of close calls, times will be determined by milliseconds.

These rules have been updated as of September 20th, 2023. Prior speedruns are not expected to follow the updated rules and are still valid.

## HARDCORE Category Rules:
Defeat said leader via death or imprisonment in an enemy's base

*Confirm their death.
*Imprisonment in a cage, prisoner pole, or peeler not owned by the faction leader.
*If the peeler is owned by faction leader you must wait for death.
*locking a faction leader in his/her own base does not qualify.
Using the in-game editor is not allowed
Do not change the default multipliers in the gameplay menu or game start
Reloading the game is not allowed; these runs are quick enough to where if your game crashes consider it over
No 'stop selected characters actions'
Since save scumming isn't allowed in this category, your recorded time is your in game time

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All of Simonswerer's songs are CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)
Kevin MacLeod's songs are Creative Commons license

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