Unlock the Bible Now! - No New Thing

1 year ago

Unlock the Bible Now! - No New Thing

Show Notes

Nearly three years ago, I recorded a podcast episode, Episode 12: No New Thing Under the Sun. The message was based on Ecclesiastes 1, and hopefully, it stands the test of time. Time, in fact, is the subject of the chapter, or rather, our lack of understanding time, especially as it relates to the past. Let’s take a moment and consider time as God lays it out in the Scriptures. We might be surprised to learn that there is indeed no new thing!

All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, Revelation 21:1, Jeremiah 31:35-36, John 3:7-8, Ezekiel 37:9-10, Jeremiah 31:37, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Genesis 11:6, Ezekiel 28:15-19, Romans 1:18-23, Acts 4:10-12

I use a Tyndale large print King James Bible that can be found here:

Because there is no remembrance of former things, man continues to deny the Lord, stumbling blindly with a stiff neck, trying to figure things out on his own. He will remain blind and fall for a coming deception if he does not repent. There is only one solution: All of creation is by and for the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Word, and by Him were all things made. Man thinks the universe came from a Big Bang, but he doesn’t know where the matter for the explosion came from. Everything in quantum physics is pointing back to a singularity, a single event that brought about our world. That event was when Christ spoke the universe into existence. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!UTBNOW
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