the fix is futile! what if God wants you broken for a reason?

1 year ago

i thought i'd answer this question in musical form
we hate that clickey sound, don't we
smartphones are satanic, i've always held this opinion
became an official RELIGIOUS nutjob at 33 right.on.time...
smartphones are bad. period. point blank. you will not win this one.
*i realized that i always give this smug little smirk whenever i know that i'm right about sumin, sari about that i don't like it (my schizo paranoia will convince me it's the devil inside me still)
i am arrogant about this becuz of how much society is falling apart, universally destroying people n their sense of free will
how do i deal w/ chronic depression? grace.
it's not a problem no more
acceptance is the answer cos often times there isn't an answer
positive thru negative, i promise it does actually work
what used to be wrong w/ me is now what's right thankyou Lord
one of the downsides to playing music in the car
it's still better than the way that they are
always fighting sheep that reinforce the system
it's totally worth it tho
at least it's cos of me instead of some adverse side effect
i suck suck suck at lying, just ask my parents
most of my gender has no problem w/ lying whatsoever (i think that they probably dunno that they do it)
most people are of the world, choosing satan w/out knowing
i really do take pity on em even tho they piss me off
they can't help it, going along to get's not their fault that they were brought up in a society that encourages so much evil
those of us that stand up n say NO i won't go the way you go
people have always mocked me cos i'm like a cartoon (i mean, i get it)
God's timing there...that was actually pretty cool cos it was outta sync
i always sound so angry even when i'm happy hahaha i am a lot like fiona apple, in all of her pictures she looks mad even when she is smiling
so easy to manipulate human behavior thru technological means
maybe we shouldn't be so reliant on this stuff perhaps
1st world "luxury" meets 1st world "problems" (not problems in places that don't have these things that we take for granted n don't even use right)
i obviously have ptsd hahaha (i keep looking behind me like every 2min)
industrialization kills us in so many ways
how do you cry all the time n not kill yourself...i am a comedian
it will be a problem forever cos underneath the surface lies your dissatisfaction w/ everything
crusty old timer said this @ an AA meeting i attended eons ago...
it gets better whenever it's fine just the way it is, so true man
i remember thinkin that that guy was such an asshole n yet...

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