4 Scary Near-Death Experience True Horror Stories

1 year ago

Let me start by saying that I had a happy childhood where I had all I needed for my siblings and I. However, there were times where I thought I would not make it past my childhood. For each of these 4 scary true near-death experiences, I can still remember them as if they just occurred last week. Any of these incidents could have gone the other way where I wouldn't be around now to tell these stories. Dive into the unknown.

Introduction 0:00
Story #1 "The Beach" 1:13
Story #2 "The Park" 5:13
Story #3 "The School Pool" 9:20
Story #4 "The Bus Accident" 14:18

Have a story you want to share? Please submit them to my email: lgexperienceofficial@gmail.com.

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Myuuji: https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji
CO.AG Music: https://www.youtube.com/@co.agmusic
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

#horrorstories #neardeathexperiences #neardeath

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