Summer/Winter On Flat Earth

1 year ago

Research Flat Earth.
FlatEarth Proof?
-The Bible repeatedly describes the Earth as Immovable (Stationary), Geocentric, and Enclosed in a solid dome structure called the firmament
-All images of the Earth from space are admitted being computer generated
-We're able to see objects such as land, buildings, and boats that are supposed to be behind the curve
-The North Star, Polaris, never moves and the constellations have never changed
-Horizon always rises to eye level
-Water is always level and it makes up 71% of our earth
-The heliocentric model was created by Freemasonic Occultists
-All the space agencies share the same vector logo
-Astronaut almost drowning in space
-Water bubbles & Scuba tank viewed in space
-Density, buoyancy, & Electromagnetism are better explanations for gravity
-GoPro lenses used to fake the curve of Earth
-No observable proof of evolution
-Sun rays come down in angles and not parallel
-Super zoom cameras show that boats do not go over any curve
-The United Nation's logo is a Flat Earth map
-Flight paths make much more sense on a Flat Earth
-All but one challenger crew members are proven to still be alive today
-No genuine 24-hour live feed of the ball earth from an outer space
-No real pics of Earth from Space
-No actual photos of Satellites in Space
-Sun dogs and Sun Hot spots
-Antarctic Treaty
-Admiral Byrd said that there is more land
-The Michelson–Morley experiment proved the Earth is stationary
-Rockets never go straight up
-Bedford Level Experiment
-Our own senses tell us the earth is flat and stationary
-The Sun & Moon appear as the same size
-No one has ever circumnavigated the earth from north to south
-The Antikythera
-Sun dials
-No parallax with the stars
-Time lapse Star Trails shows the stars makings perfect circuits around the North Star
-Bolivian Salt Flats missing curvature
-Sun shrinks smaller as it sets
-Architects, Excavators, and Railroad Engineers don't account for the curve
-Air planes fly level and don't account for the curve
-The Selenelion Lunar Eclipse
-The Analemma Time Lapse of the Sun
-Empirical Evidence supports the fixed Flat Earth.

Censored Hand Made Book: "Unlocked Mind" found on WWW.FLATEARTHFIGHTCLUB.COM

YouTube: Flat Earth Facts (Monk Zylio)

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