Shri Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 47 - English

6 months ago

Shri Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 47

Chapter 47 of Shrirdi Sai Satcharitra (English Version)

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This chapter of the Sai Satcharitra covers the following:
Story of Veerbhadrappa and Chenbassappa (the Snake and the frog)

Blessed is the face of our Lord Sai; If we cast a glance at Him for a moment, He destroys the sorrow of many past births and confers great bliss on us and if He looks at us with grace, our bondage of Karma is immediately destroyed and we are led to happiness. The river Ganges washes away the dirt and sins of everyone who goes to her for a bath, but she intently longs for the saints to come to her and bless her with their feet and remove all the dirt (sins) accumulated in her. She knows for certain that this accumulation can only be removed by the holy feet of the saints. Sai is the crest-jewel of the saints and now hear from Him the following purifying story.

The Snake and the Frog

Sai Baba once began to tell a story: “One morning, after having My breakfast, I strolled along till I came to the banks of a small river. As I was tired, I rested there, washed My hands and feet and had a bath and felt refreshed. There was a foot-path and a cart-track sheltered by shady trees and the breeze was blowing gently. As I was preparing to smoke my pipe, I heard the croaking of a frog. I was striking the flint and lighting the fire, when a traveler turned up, sat by My side, bowed to Me and politely invited Me to his house. He lit up the pipe and handed it over to Me. The croaking was heard again and he wanted to know what it was. I told him that a frog was in trouble and was suffering the bitter fruit of its own karma. We have to reap the fruit of what we sow (do) in our past life, and there is no use crying about it. Then he smoked and handed the pipe back to Me and said that he would go there in person and see for himself. I told him that a frog had been caught by a big snake and was crying for help. They were both very wicked in their past life and were now reaping the fruit of their actions in these bodies. He went out and found that a huge black serpent was holding a big frog in its mouth.

He returned and said that in a few minutes the frog would be eaten up by the snake. I said, ‘No, this can’t be! I am its father (protector) and I am here now; How can I allow the snake to eat the frog? Just see how I save it!’

After smoking again, we walked to the place. He was afraid and asked Me not to proceed further, as the snake might attack us. Not minding his words, I went ahead and addressed the creatures thus, ‘Veerbhadrappa! Has not your enemy Bassappa repented, despite being born as a frog? And you too, though born as a serpent, still maintain bitter enmity against him? Shame upon you! Give up your hatred and rest in peace!’

Hearing these words, the snake left the frog immediately and slithered into the river and disappeared. The frog also hopped away and hid itself in the bushes.

The traveler was very surprised; He said that he could not understand how the snake dropped the frog and disappeared when those words were said; who was Veerbhadrappa and who was Basssappa, and what was the cause of their enmity?

Bow to Shri Sai – Peace be to all


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