Episode 4: Who Is Timothy John Evens?

1 year ago

These episodes are like chapters in a book - they won't make total sense unless you start at the beginning...

In Episode 4 we are exploring the question "Who is Timothy John Evens, the biggest "FAKE" divorce in South Dakota history"?

Who are his mistresses - or Mister'esses? I mean, one of them IS a guy...

Who are Jeffrey and Susanne Haskell? Who is Holly Lou Bentley Creek Soper?

WHY is Govenor Kristi Noem and her Perverted Justices in 7th Circuit Court, Pennington County, SD working sooo hard at letting hardened abusers walk free - promoting further domestic violence? All this and more....

Stay tuned for Episode 5 - where we discover WHAT this case is WORTH $$$$ and why Judge Connolly was so intent at getting the money INTO South Dakota.

These episodes are like chapters in a book - they won't make total sense unless you started at the beginning...
Episode 1: Exposing Kristi Noem’s South Dakota https://youtu.be/O8YkOKdjsUs
Episode 2: What Determines Authority? https://youtu.be/k2W3pPqqHpc
Episode 3: Establishing Jurisdiction in Pennington County https://youtu.be/h73NJKiuook
Episode 4: Who is Timothy John Evens https://youtu.be/xvPmGGriUyw
Episode 5: What Was it Worth? https://youtu.be/Q_Yc5JUP9Hk
Episode 6: Follow The Money https://youtu.be/DbtFodmlaiU
Episode 7: Stealing Children https://youtu.be/tltAvxAHS30
Episode 8: Perversion in the Police Force https://youtu.be/eOoWxQVCUw8

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