Shri Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 11 - English

1 year ago

Shri Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 of Shrirdi Sai Satcharitra (English Version)

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This chapter covers the following:
Sai, as Sagun Brahman
Dr. Pandit’s Worship
Haji Sidik Falke
Control Over the Elements
Sai as Sagun Brahman

There are two aspects of God or the Brahman: the Invisible (Nirgun) and the Visible (Sagun). The Nirgun is formless, while the Sagun has a form and both denote the same Brahman. Some prefer to worship the former and some the latter. As stated in the Gita (chapter XII), the worship of the latter is easy and preferable; As man has got a form (body, senses, etc.), it is natural and easy for him to worship the God with form. Our love and devotion do not develop unless we first worship Sagun Brahman for a certain period of time, and as we advance, it leads us to the worship of the Nirgun Brahman. So let us start with Sagun worship; An image, an altar, fire, light, sun, water and the Brahman are the seven objects of worship; But the Sadguru is better than all these. Let us on this occasion, bring to our mind the form of Sai, Who was non-attachment incarnate and Who was a resting-place for His sincere devotees. Our faith in His words is the seat of His Asan and our Sankalpa (determination to start and finish the Puja) is the abandonment of all our desires. Some say that Sai was a Bhagwad-bhakta (devotee of the Lord) while others say He was a Maha-Bhagwad Bhakta(a great devotee), but to us He is God incarnate. He was extremely forgiving, never irritable, honest, soft, tolerant and content beyond comparison. Though He looked embodied (as having a form), He was really dis-embodied, emotionless, unattached and internally free. The Ganges, on its way to the sea, cools and refreshes the creatures affected by the heat, gives life to the crops and trees, and quenches the thirst of many. Similarly, Saints like Sai, while they live their own life, give solace and comfort to everyone. Lord Krishna has said that “the Saint is My soul, My living image; I am Him or rather He is My pure form (Being).” This in-describable Power of God, known as Pure Existence, Knowledge and Bliss, incarnated in the form of Sai in Shirdi. The Shruti (Taitiriya Upanishad) describes Brahman as Bliss; This we read or hear daily in religious books, but devout people experienced this Brahman or Bliss in Shirdi. Baba, who supported everyone, required no support from anybody. He always used a piece of sack-cloth for His seat, which was covered with a small, beautiful bed by His devotees and a pillow to support his back. Baba respected the feelings of His devotees and allowed them to worship Him as they liked. Some waved Chamara or fans before Him, some played on musical instruments, others washed His hands and Feet, while some applied scents and sandalwood; Some offered Baba betel nuts with leaves and other things and others offered naivedya(offerings of food). Though He looked like he was living in Shirdi, He was present everywhere. This all-pervasiveness was experienced daily by His devotees. We prostrate before this all-pervasive Sadguru.

Bow to Shri Sai – Peace be to all


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