Censored Book [Unlocked Mind]

1 year ago

The Vatican owns most of humanity in the form of humans being traded on the stock market as a commodity. Your birth certificate is a banking bond rendering you a slave. We have all been deceived from birth. Our ALL CAPS NAME "strawman" is a corporation not a man or woman. Elites use legalese English, (Latin origin) to manipulate and control us through the way we communicate. English was a language created for the slaves of Egypt, so we can be controlled through spells (spelling), cursive (curses) and writing (writs/hexes). Know the English alphabet letters are black magic witchcraft symbols. UNIDROIT/ Uniform Commercial Code/ Maritime Law is enforced all across Earth. Here is a video I made for you out of pure love, awareness, and truth:

"Berth" Certificate Banking Bond Innerstanding:


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