Which Nations Survive in a Multipolar World? - Blood $atellite

1 year ago

Starting with the review of an academic paper on the differences of mental pathways demanded by different languages, Judas and Dimes build to a discussion of the book “Disunited Nations” by Peter Zeihan. There they explore an impending future where America retreats from its unipolar economic and security position, thrusting the world into multipolar chaos, and some likely scenarios for which nations will come out on top and which ones will be in trouble.

Taken from Episode #227 – Skeletons Kickflipping Through Liminal Spaces Forever.

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0:00 – Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Communication

11:00 – “Disunited Nations” Discussion Begins

14:48 – Limitations on the Jared Diamond Ethnic Worldview

18:50 – The Internal Disunity in Russian Leadership

21:25 – The Demographic and Financial Collapse Within China

27:57 – What is The American World Order?

36:08 – The Weakness of Canadian Trade in a Multipolar World

38:10 – Japanese Forecasting

41:07 – France and the Importance of the Geo in Geopolitics

46:25 – Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Power of the Middle Eastern Islamic Bloc

55:22 – The Reemergence of Turkish Influence

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